Aisha Khan - Community Manager

Hi everyone! I’m Aisha Khan, your Community Manager at I grew up in the heart of Bangalore, surrounded by all things tech. While I earned my degree in Communications, my real passion has always been connecting with people online and building spaces where shared interests can thrive.

Aisha Khan

When I’m not hyped about the latest mobile game releases or cool new mods, you can find me experimenting in the kitchen (my spice collection is epic!), losing myself in a fantasy audiobook, or planning my next board game night with friends. I’m a social butterfly at heart, and I love the energy of a great online community.

I’ve been a gamer since I could hold a controller, and I’ve always been fascinated by online communities. Before joining, I spent several years managing forums for a popular indie game studio and organizing local esports events. Discovering the world of modding felt like a natural next step – it’s the perfect blend of my love for games and my passion for bringing people together.

My superpower is creating a sense of belonging. Whether it’s welcoming new members, resolving issues, or hyping up awesome mod releases, I’m all about fostering a positive and supportive environment. I’ve built up a knack for social media, and I always have my finger on the pulse of what’s hot in the gaming and modding scene.

At, my mission is to be your go-to guide and biggest cheerleader. I want our community to be a place where you can find awesome mods, make new friends, and get the support you need to level up your Android experience. My commitment is to make sure everyone feels welcome and excited to be a part of this amazing group of mod enthusiasts.


  • Real name: Aisha Khan
  • Date of birth: 06/12/1993
  • Education level:
  • Home town: Bangalore
  • Sex: Female
  • Job: Community Manager at MODAPKPR
  • Contact phone: +917555671694
  • Email: [email protected]


Short-Term Goals 

  • Develop a Moderation System: Create guidelines and tools to maintain a positive, inclusive community space, and train volunteer moderators.
  • Expand Community Outreach: Build partnerships with relevant gaming forums and subreddits to attract new members.
    Implement Feedback Mechanisms: Design surveys and polls to understand community needs and improve’s offerings.

Long-Term Goals

  • Host Modding Events: Organize online contests or game jams to showcase user creativity and foster a strong sense of community.
  • Become a Thought Leader: Write articles or present at smaller conferences on community management trends in the modding niche.
  • Lead a Team: Transition into managing a team of community moderators and support staff as grows.


1. Community Intern (2016 – 2017)

  • Enterprise: Rising Phoenix Games
  • Position: Community Management Intern
    • Monitored forums, answered player questions, fostered positive discussions.
    • Assisted with social media campaigns and community content creation.

2. Freelance Social Media Consultant (2018 – 2020)

  • Enterprise: Self-employed
  • Position: Freelance Social Media Consultant
    • Managed social media presence for small businesses and local gaming groups.
    • Developed content calendars, grew online communities, and analyzed engagement metrics.

3. Esports Event Coordinator (2020 – 2022)

  • Enterprise: TechSurge Events
  • Position: Esports Event Coordinator
    • Organized local and regional gaming tournaments, focusing on building community and hype.
    • Managed sponsorships, logistics, and online promotion for events.

4. Community Manager (2022 – Present)



  • Community Building Fundamentals (Online Course): Focuses on strategies for creating welcoming spaces, fostering engagement, and conflict resolution. Platform: Could be a platform like Coursera or a niche website for community professionals.
  • Social Media Analytics (Online Course): Understanding metrics, tracking growth, and identifying trends for effective community outreach. Platform: Could be offered by social media platforms themselves (like Facebook Blueprint) or marketing-focused educational websites.
  • Introduction to Game Design (University or Online Course): Develops basic understanding of game mechanics and player psychology, enhancing her ability to connect with the modding community.



  • Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication, ability to adapt her tone for different audiences.
  • Empathy: Understanding user needs and motivations, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Conflict Resolution: Diffusing tension, handling challenging situations with diplomacy.
  • Organization: Managing multiple social media platforms, tracking feedback, coordinating events.
  • Enthusiasm: Genuine passion for gaming and building a vibrant community.
  • Gaming Knowledge: Familiarity with popular games and modding trends.
  • Moderation Experience: Understanding online community dynamics and enforcing guidelines fairly.
  • Technical Aptitude: Basic grasp of how modding works, ability to troubleshoot common user issues.
  • Creativity: Coming up with engaging community events, contests, and content.



  • Successful Tournament Series (2021): As Esports Event Coordinator, organized a series of tournaments that received positive feedback and exceeded attendance goals.
  • Social Media Growth (2019): Increased a client’s Instagram following by 30% in six months through targeted campaigns and community engagement.
  • Game Studio Collaboration (2017): While at Rising Phoenix Games, initiated a collaboration between the development team and community moderators, resulting in improved communication and a more player-centric patch.


  • “Community Champion” Award (2020): Recognized by a local gaming convention for her positive contributions to the online gaming community in Bangalore.
  • “Rising Star” Award (2017): Awarded by Rising Phoenix Games at the end of her internship for her initiative and enthusiasm.


Work-Related Aspirations

  • Build the Ultimate Modding Hub: Wants to be THE place for the most passionate, welcoming, and creative modding community.
  • Mentorship: Adores the idea of guiding new community managers or aspiring modding enthusiasts to share her knowledge and experience.
  • Advocate for Positive Communities: Hopes to use her platform to promote healthy online spaces, inclusivity, and responsible modding practices.

Personal Development Aspirations

  • Master a Technical Skill: Interested in learning basic coding or scripting to better understand mod creation and communicate with developers.
  • “People Person” to the Core: Wants to continue refining her empathy, communication, and conflict resolution skills.
  • Staying on the Pulse: Always eager to learn about new games, modding trends, and the ever-evolving landscape of online communities.

Aspirations for MODAPKPR’s Community

  • A Place to Belong: Dreams of a community where anyone feels comfortable sharing their creations, asking questions, and geeking out over mods.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Envisions users helping each other, sharing knowledge freely, and inspiring one another’s modding journeys.
  • Positive Force: Wants the community to be known for its kindness, support, and respect for all members.


About Work

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson

About Life

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

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